iBATIS has been the workhorse for our data heavy applications for quite some time, and we were largely happy with it – till MyBatis took it to the next level. While iBATIS has been decommissioned circa mid 2010 (and now lives in the apache attic), the real trigger to move to see what MyBatis offered, was Spring’s decision to deprecate support for iBATIS in Spring 3.2.0.RELEASE and all of my DAO classes would show those pesky warnings in eclipse. Some time ago, we had a training on the nuances of iBATIS in which we outlined a few examples. I thought that converting this same setup to MyBatis would be a good exercise to see the features in action and how these two are similar and where they differ.
To start off, I fired up the migration tool viz ibatis2mybatis on my existing XML files in the previous setup. The tool is pretty decent and gets us almost 90% there. The major changes that still needed to be done were:
- Add namespacing to be consistent with mapper package name
- Changing of primary key attributes of a result map from <result> tag to <id> tag (needed for group by operations and performance optimizations)
- Strict ordering of elements in the resultMap tag so that <id/> is followed by <result/> followed by <association/> followed by <collection/> (not sure why the DTD has been defined thusly)
- Replace intermediate resultMap created for collections by providing the type information to the <collection/> tag itself. For an example see userWithLoginLocationsAndUniqueSites resultMap.
- Cache settings are not migrated and need to be defined by hand again. But that is extremely simple now — <cache/> and you have a cache local to the mapper!
After this, the only other changes were to the config file to disable the default lazyLoading. We prefer the objects to be POJO’s and also helps in reflective comparison of objects for hashCode and equals. Since we use mybatis-spring integration (provided by mybatis), we don’t need to deal with the SqlSesssionFactory ourselves (and hence worry about clean closing).
<bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource" ref="testerDataSource" /> <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:com/kilo/dao/sqlmap-config.xml" /> <property name="mapperLocations" value="classpath:com/kilo/dao/mapper/*.xml" /> </bean> <bean class="org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer"> <property name="basePackage" value="com.kilo.dao.mapper" /> </bean>
The mappers just need to be interfaces with the names of the methods matching the sql fragment that needs to be fired. Hence, no need for any DAOImpl’s whatsover! However, it has its downside as you may have already imagined – now you can’t craft fancy params to pass down to your mybatis sql fragment as parameters.